Buon compleanno a Ben Harper – With My Own Two Hands, testo e video

Oggi il cantautore Ben Harper compie 51 anni. Per celebrarlo, vi posto il suo brano With My Own Two Hands, con testo e video.

Auguri Ben.

Ben Harper è uno dei migliori artisti della scena degli ultimi anni, proponendo uno stile in cui reggae, blues, rock, folk, si fondono alla perfezione.

Benjamin Chase “Ben” Harper è nato a Pomona, (USA) il 28 ottobre 1969.

Imparò a suonare la chitarra da ragazzo, mettendosi in mostra per l’ ottimo uso della lap steel guitar, imitando lo stile di Robert Johnson.

L’ esordio avvenne nel 1992, quando registrò l’album Pleasure and Pain, con l’amico Tom Freund.

Dopo questa edizione limitata Ben Harper ricevette una proposta di contratto dalla Virgin Records, che pubblicò nel 1994 il suo album di debutto Welcome to the Cruel World, che ottenne un buon riconoscimento dalla critica.(Fonte Wikipedia)

Nel 1995, con l’ uscita dell’ album Fight for Your Mind, Harper presentò la sua band, gli Innocent Criminals, e si esibì ad Arezzo Wave.

Il suo ultimo singolo è Dont’ Let Me Disappear, uscito lo scorso maggio.

With My Own Two Hands è un singolo di Ben Harper, pubblicato nel 2002 come primo estratto dal quinto album in studio Diamonds on the Inside. La canzone è stata utilizzata per una campagna pubblicitaria della Lavazza.

Testo : Ben Harper – With My Own Two Hands

I can change the world, with my own two hands
Make a better place, with my own two hands
Make a kinder place, oh with my, oh with my own two hands
With my own, with my own two hands
With my own, with my own two hands
I can make peace on earth, with my own two hands
And I can clean up the earth, oh with my own two hands
And I can reach out to you, with my own two hands
With my own, with my own two hands
Oh, with my own, oh with my own two hands
I’m gonna make it a brighter place, (With my own)
I’m gonna make it a safer place, (With my own)
I’m gonna help the human race, (With my own)
(With my own two hands)
Now I can hold you, in my own two hands
And I can comfort you, with my own two hands
But you got to use, use your own two hands
Use your own, use your own two hands
Use your own two hands
And with our own two hands
With our, with our, with our own two hands
With my own, with my own two hands
I’m gonna make it a brighter place, (With my own)
I’m gonna make it a safer place, (With my own)
I’m gonna help the human race, (With my own)
Oh, make it a brighter place (With my own)
I can hold you (With my own)
And I can comfort you (With my own)
But you got, you got, you got, you got, you got, you got, you got to use
Oh, use your own
Oh, use your own, Lord
But you got, you got, you got, you got, you got to use, use
Use your own, use your own, use your own, use your own, use your own,
Use your own, use your own, use your own, use your own,
Use your own

Video ufficiale Youtube : Ben Harper – With My Own Two Hands

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