Buon compleanno a Bob Geldof : Crazy, testo e video

Oggi il cantautore irlandese Bob Geldof compie 69 anni. Per celebrarlo, vi posto la canzone “Crazy”, con testo e video.

Auguri Bob!

Bob Geldof, vero nome Robert Frederick Zenon Geldof, è nato a Dún Laoghaire il 5 ottobre 1951.

Nel 1975 fondò la sua band, i Boomtown Rats, con un ottimo successo nel Regno Unito.

Balzò alla notorietà mondiale come attore principale in The Wall dei Pink Floyd, poi nel 1984 assieme a Midge Ure scrisse “Do They Know It’s Christmas? ” per la Band Aid.

Il suo grande impegno a favore dell’ Africa, lo ha sempre visto in primo piano con eventi di portata mondiale come il Live Aid.

La canzone Crazy è estratta dall’omonimo album del 1994.

Testo : Bob Geldof – Crazy

Here comes the night again, babe.
Same night as every night, babe
And in the candle light, babe
Your beauty’s like a knife
That slices through my life and.
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I’ve been trying lately
To take control of my heart
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I’ve been trying lately
To take control of my heart
All days are good or bad days
But these days most days are bad days
And in this sacred place, babe
The days all fade away
When I see your face and.
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I’ve been trying lately
To take control of my heart
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I’ve been trying lately
To take control of my heart
And when I saw you tonight
You know I almost died.
I’d never seen anyone
Lovelier than you,
As beautiful as you.
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I’ve been trying lately
To take control of my heart
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I’ve been trying lately
To take control of my heart
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I’ve been trying lately
To take control of my heart
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart…

Video Youtube: Bob Geldof – Crazy

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