In ricordo di Mama Cass Elliot : Different, testo e video

Mama Cass Elliot, cantante straordinaria che fece parte del quartetto The Mamas And Papas, moriva 46 anni fa. In suo ricordo il brano “Different”, con testo e video.

Ricordando Mama Cass.

Mama Cass Elliot, vero nome Ellen Naomi Cohen, era nata a Baltimora (USA) il 19 settembre 1941 e la sua carriera cominciò nei primi anni ’60 come attrice per la commedia “The Boy friend” poi nel 1963 entrò a far parte del gruppo “The Big Three”.

Nel 1965 Mama Cass entrò far parte della band The Mamas And Papas, che balzarono alla notorietà mondiale con la hit “California Dreamin’“.

Dopo lo scioglimento della band, Mama Cass continuò la propria carriera come solista, ricevendo ottimi risultati, ma il 29 luglio del 1974, fu ritrovata morta in una stanza d’ albergo a Londra, a seguito di un attacco cardiaco.

La canzone Different, è contenuta nell’album  “The Complete Cass Elliot Solo Collection 1968-71”.

Testo : Mama Cass Elliot – Different

When I was smaller, and people were taller
I realized that I was different
I had a power that set me apart

I learned to take it, to use it to make it
It’s not so bad to be different
To do your own thing, and do it heart

Different is hard
Different is lonely
Different is trouble for you only
Different is heartache
Different is pain
But I’d rather be different than be the same

At first I’d wonder what hex I was under
What did I do to be so different
Then I discovered some others like me

Wondered no longer, together we’re stronger
It’s not so bad to be different
Be true yourself, that’s what you must be

Different is hard
Different is lonely
Different is trouble for you only
Different is heartache
Different is pain
But I’d rather be different than be the same

Different is hard
Different is lonely
Different is trouble for you only
Different is heartache
Different is pain
But I’d rather be different than be the same

Video Youtube : Mama Cass Elliot – Different

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